Why, you ask? I know of this one person who constantly updates her status with what her toddler did that day.... "he called me this today", "he ate this today", "His funny face when he is trying to poo poo is priceless" and so on and so forth... At first, it was cute, then it became "good to know", and then it became plain annoying... so much that I have now "hidden" all posts by this person so I don't have to read them. As I was doing this though, I began to wonder about Facebook etiquette. I wonder how many of my posts are annoying to my friends? What posts are and are not acceptable to your Facebook friends? When do you realize that it's too much information for your readers/friends?
Here are some tips as to what is generally considered not acceptable:
- Don't over-poke someone, or poke people you dont really know
- No personal details please, I DO NOT want to know what your bra color is!
- Same rule applies to status messages or wall posts with intimate details about your significant other - that's what the bedroom is for - Keep it private!
- Don't send group invites, please! If someone wants to join a group, I am sure they can find their way around!
- Don't upload each and every picture of you to FB (applies to me as well "me smiling sheepishly"
)... just a few samples are good :) - Don't send application invites like "Farmville", "Animalville" and so on... Same rule as groups
- Don't brag on Facebook - I don't want to know what brand of TV, Car, Laptop, etc you own.
- Don't write cryptic status messages like, "well, that's just not right" or "this feels better" or some such... Its just looks pathetic as you are so obviously inviting people to ask about what feels better or what's not right!
Well, you get the picture! So, the next time you are asked "What's on your mind", think carefully before entering something there. I know I will :)