Monday, September 27, 2010

Politics and Obama

My stand on politics is very clear - I don't care to participate and I couldn't care any lesser about who is in office. But when Obama came into power, it was a refreshing change - I was very excited and surprised myself with the enthusiasm on Election Day (It happened to be my 2nd anniversary that day and we chose to watch results on TV instead of going out... so you get my drift) when I was jumping up and down when Obama was proclaimed the official winner.

Months rolled on and I forgot all about that election... Economy got worse, I lost my job... blah blah... But with all that, I kept hearing about Obama and how he wasn't doing anything about the economy and healthcare reform wasn't what we should have focused on and so on... then I got indignant.... and this post has been long coming...

First, did we conveniently forget the gargantuan trillion $ deficit that our oh-so-sweet-and-oh-so-innocent predecessor Mr. Bush left for us? You think it's that easy to climb your way out of that deficit and show a positive balance sheet for a country of our size in oh, say, 24 months? Damage that's been done over the past 96 months - yes, it is absolutely Obama's fault that he has not been able to wipe out that deficit from our slates - DUH!

Yes, he talked about change - and hasn't he given you change? He brought about financial reform by restricting those unscrupulous CEO's of big banks that contributed, in large, to the economic meltdown, to little or no bonuses unless they showed green on their balance sheets again. Is that wrong? Is that socialist? NO! That's what's called financial reform. I cannot believe this culture where a CEO can run a company down and bring it to its ruin, but when he gets fired, he still gets a multi-million $ severance package. What the heck? Why are we rewarding bad behavior?

Healthcare reform - everyone's been talking about it. Now that I am in the healthcare sector, I have a better understanding of how it affects individuals and businesses. It does have a huge effect on employers, but think about the millions of people who will opt for healthcare coverage and be able to take care of themselves. Think of all those insurance carriers who cannot just randomly reject claims and drop people from their networks because they had the misfortune to have cancer. What's wrong with that scenario?

Tax raises - I strongly support Obama's tax policy. People who have millions and billions of $$ should not be eligible for tax rebates! When we have millions of homeless people on the streets, why can't people who can afford to part with money give to the government and help the country? Maybe some tweaks to small business owners would help, but to renew the Bush era tax cuts is insane. If bridging that trillion $$ deficit with taxes from middle class households is the Republican policy, then good luck - this country will be in debt forever.

Obama is the one president in recent times who has kept most of his campaign promises - yet, people condemn him and even those who voted for him seem to doubt his policies. Change doesn't happen overnight, folks. The policies instituted today may not produce immediate results, but wait and watch. One day, some undeserving president will claim glory to a flourishing nation because of these exact policies that you once condemned.

I strongly believe Obama will not be re-elected, neither should he stand for re-election. I think he belongs elsewhere, where people can realize his true value and contributions.

Friday, June 04, 2010

The art of being happy

I have a co-worker whom I envy... a lot... She is so simple, not worried about how she looks or dresses, always smiling and courteous and seems so happy... She seems to be in her own world, so.... simple. I wish I could be like that... I wonder if her simplicity and happiness came with age (she is an older lady) or if she had some sort of a realization and made peace with life?

The more I thought about it, the more it became obvious that the key to happiness is to let go... of worldly possessions, of silly emotions, even of people. But how does one begin the process of letting go? For example, is being a minimalist (having only what you need, in terms of furniture, gadgets and such) mean you are on the path to Nirvana? How do you let go of emotions? More importantly, how do you let go of human relationships?

Maybe when I have the answers to these questions, I will be as happy as my co-worker :)

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Driving into the Valley of Death?

I almost got killed today... yes, it's true... I am not exaggerating. Pure luck saved me today. I had just merged onto the freeway and was looking to change lanes. I did the usual, checked my mirrors, turned sideways to check my blind spot and started moving into the next lane. I had completed my move about 80% when a car from the next lane came onto the one I was merging in to, right NEXT to me. He obviously didn't bother to look right before changing lanes and I had to swerve to avoid him and make sure I didn't hit the car on the lane I had just left! Like I said, I survived by sheer luck today.

I go through this on a daily basis. I see drivers that don't follow the most basic rules on the road and see accidents waiting to happen. I try and avoid accidents as much as possible by being over cautious and being extra alert (if that's possible) the entire time I'm driving. But, I'll be honest, I am getting tired of it. I am exhausted by the time I get to my destination simply because driving here is the most stressful thing one can do! When I first moved to CA, everyone said that I would not want to travel more to get to work because the traffic is horrible. Not true - No one wants to drive long distances because the longer they are on the road, the greater their chances of ending up dead. No, it's not a joke. Just plain fact.

Defensive driving will get you to your destination 2 minutes slower, but it will get you there alive. Do you want to shave 5 minutes off your commute or quadruple the chances of dying in an accident? Do you want to leave those chances to others? Take more control - Here are some tips for defensive driving that you can slowly implement into your commute:

1. Check blind spots often: Planning to change lanes - the first thing you should be doing is checking your blind spot. It is called "blind spot" for a reason. You cannot see it just from your rear view mirror, no matter how much you lean forward and peer into your mirror. Many an accident has been avoided by checking the blind spot BEFORE one starts to change lanes (remember before, there is no point in checking after you start your lane change)
2. Don't talk on the phone while driving: This seems to be the most common reason for accidents - handsfree or not, don't use cell phones while driving. Either way, your mind is distracted to a certain extent and your concentration is not on the road. Especially if you are having emotional conversations while driving. Bad idea. What can be so important that it cannot wait 15 minutes? If you are indeed expecting an important call, plan around the call so you are not on the road while talking. Or, pull over to the nearest exit and take the call, if it's that important.
3. Don't text/read texts while driving: Common sense - how can your eyes focus on two places at once? They cannot. Hence, either text OR drive, don't do both.
4. Don't apply makeup while driving: What the heck? You would think this was a no-brainer, but apparently not! I cannot tell you how many times I have seen women applying mascara or lipstick while driving! As a woman, I cannot even begin to understand that! That's why they have parking lots, ladies!
5. Don't speed: Okay, sticking to the speed limit is something 99% of the population does not follow these days, but use your common sense. Speeding by 5 miles an hour and speeding by 20 miles an hour have completely different consequences. The impact of an accident at 75 mph is 4-5 times greater than if you were going at speed limit. Like I said, 2 minutes or your life?
6. Pay attention to the road: Watch carefully, anticipate merges and traffic jams. You will be able to respond much better if you are alert.
7. Don't give in to Road Rage: Just because someone else is being stupid and cares less about their life does not mean you have to give in and retaliate. Someone cut you off? Just call them an idiot and drive on. Someone give you the finger? Consider them juvenile and drive on. Retaliating to road rage often results in horrific incidents, including death. Think "is it worth it"?
8. Follow rules: Rules are formulated for a reason. Extensive research goes into the rules implemented by the government. Follow them and not only will you have a safe ride home, but also save your precious tax dollars from getting wasted on unnecessary accidents and cleanup.

Every time you get into your car, think about all the people you love and that love you. Is it worth putting them through the pain of an accident, the possibility of you losing an arm or a leg or worse, of your death? No? Then, drive defensively instead of aggressively. Also think about this: Will you be able to look at yourself in the mirror or live with the guilt of having killed a life or two? No? Then, drive defensively.

Remember, Defensive Driving is not cowardice. It's just being sensible.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


I have been reading this blog recently and am inspired by the insight and values it offers - I thought I should share this with everyone. Along with this, I also came across a quote by the Dalai Lama which I thought was the essence of life -

"Everyday, think as you wake up, ‘today I am fortunate to have woken up, I am alive, I have a precious human life, I am not going to waste it. I am going to use all my energies to develop myself, to expand my heart out to others, to achieve enlightenment for the benefit of all beings, I am going to have kind thoughts towards others, I am not going to get angry or think badly about others, I am going to benefit others as much as I can."

Think positive and live cheerfully :)

Monday, May 03, 2010

A decade of experience....

It's official - I'm 30 years old! Although that used to freak me out at one point in time, these days, I tend to look at it as a good thing... 30 years of observing different people, their mannerisms, their culture, their ways of thinking and their emotions and reactions... Now, there's a wealth of knowledge! A travel buddy of mine recently said - "The first 3 decades are for you to practice sorting the good stuff from the bad". She is right, but you know... life is all about continuous learning and sorting... You are bound to make mistakes, even when you are 60, but it's the lessons learned that are important.

Here's to aging gracefully :)

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Facebook Etiquette

Facebook is the biggest thing in social networking these days... Almost everyone I went to school with or worked with is on there.... While it's a great tool to keep in touch with people you may have worked with or studied with in the past, it can also get rather annoying at times...

Why, you ask? I know of this one person who constantly updates her status with what her toddler did that day.... "he called me this today", "he ate this today", "His funny face when he is trying to poo poo is priceless" and so on and so forth... At first, it was cute, then it became "good to know", and then it became plain annoying... so much that I have now "hidden" all posts by this person so I don't have to read them. As I was doing this though, I began to wonder about Facebook etiquette. I wonder how many of my posts are annoying to my friends? What posts are and are not acceptable to your Facebook friends? When do you realize that it's too much information for your readers/friends?

Here are some tips as to what is generally considered not acceptable:
  1. Don't over-poke someone, or poke people you dont really know
  2. No personal details please, I DO NOT want to know what your bra color is!
  3. Same rule applies to status messages or wall posts with intimate details about your significant other - that's what the bedroom is for - Keep it private!
  4. Don't send group invites, please! If someone wants to join a group, I am sure they can find their way around!
  5. Don't upload each and every picture of you to FB (applies to me as well "me smiling sheepishly")... just a few samples are good :)
  6. Don't send application invites like "Farmville", "Animalville" and so on... Same rule as groups
  7. Don't brag on Facebook - I don't want to know what brand of TV, Car, Laptop, etc you own.
  8. Don't write cryptic status messages like, "well, that's just not right" or "this feels better" or some such... Its just looks pathetic as you are so obviously inviting people to ask about what feels better or what's not right!
Well, you get the picture! So, the next time you are asked "What's on your mind", think carefully before entering something there. I know I will :)