As romantic as I am, I have always been charmed by all the fairy tales that I've read as a little girl... The princess, the charming Prince, the evil fairy, the good fairy, the danger, the excitement and finally the triumph of true love....
There are scores of Indian movies that glorify love... Boy meets girl under extra ordinary circumstances, woos her and finally, they fall in love..... This formula is used in practically every single movie that I have seen till now....But in real life, is it really this complicated? Or is it too simple? Does "love at first sight" really exist?
After a couple of experiences, I have come to the conclusion that one cannot plan to fall in love.... I know people who make sure that they "fall in love" with a person from their caste, religion and community so as to avoid parental conflicts later.....Is that really love? Or really just a rational decision? Do "Love" and "Rational" go together?
You don't have to mastermind an elaborate plan to fall in love.... It just happens, without warning....One fine day, you wake up and your first thought is of this wonderful person in your life, might be a friend, a classmate, a friend's friend that you have hung out with a few think back on your conversations, something that (s)he said brings a smile to your lips, you venture out and find that you associate every single thing with this person, Your heart skips a beat when you see his/her number on your cellphone, you talk for hours together about nothing in particular.... Can't figure it out? Love just happened....Hurry and secure this feeling before it passes you by!