Thursday, September 19, 2013

The Happiness Project - Misha's Gratitude Diary

I am currently reading this book called The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin. This book recounts Gretchen's year-long project to rediscover happiness in her life and how she accomplished it. I haven't gotten through the entire book yet, but I read enough to think about something I've wanted to do for a while  now. 

For quite some time, I have wanted to create a gratitude diary of sorts - a daily rendering of something that I am grateful for each day. I have noticed that, even on the most dismal days, if I think about it, I can find more than one thing for which I am grateful. I have been in a funk lately and don't seem to be excited about much these days, even though there's a lot going on and a lot more to be happy about. I have decided today is the day I am going to start my gratitude diary. 

I may not get to this every day, but I will make sure to update this on a regular basis. I read this recently:

As a child, did you ever play the game where you try to spot cars of a certain color? Whoever spots the most is the winner. Once you start looking, you become amazed at how many cars there are of the chosen color - and that's because you've become tuned in to it. The same can apply to your blessings. Start scanning your life and your daily happenings for moments of beauty, bouts of good luck, and episodes of happy coincidence. Once you start to see just how blessed you are, you will begin to receive even more blessings.

I am going to follow this advice and see what difference it makes in my life. 

Gratitude Diary 09/19:

Today I am grateful for the following things - 

  • I have a job that pays me enough and more to put food on the table, every day; I have a home to go back to; I have a wonderful, most understanding husband who loves me for all the crazy mess that I am; I have a wonderful mom who cares about me so much she is willing to sacrifice her entire life to see me happy; and I am grateful to have the love of God without whom none of the above would be possible. 
I feel better already :) I hope this daily exercise brings me out of my funk and I am back to normal in no time!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Society, people and judgements... Some things never change!

I look forward to a time in future when one can live in peace while boldly displaying their choices for the whole world to see, a place where others don't judge you for who you are or for expressing your opinions. 

All my life, I've been judged for my thoughts and opinions, my choices and preferences. I thought I had rid myself of all the societal pressures when I came to the land of the free and home of the brave. But, that is not to be. My birth and so called heritage follows me around and probably will till the day I die. Just because I was born in  a certain geographical location, I am expected to follow the news and events of the area, support local politics and express thoughts that conform to that region. I choose openly to not do so because my loyalties lie elsewhere, my thought process is different, my choices are made independent of the shackles of what "society" thinks. And, I'm judged, questioned, ridiculed. It doesn't hurt me because I know I am forward thinking and those who ridicule me are not, but it bothers me a bit. Enough to write about it. This has gone on long enough. I have made my choice. In fact, I made it a long time ago when the unjust world sat quietly while my mother was facing the consequence of being a woman in a country that didn't value them. I made my choice the moment I knew I had one. There's no turning back now, no wish to undo or remake my choices. I am proud of who I've become and I couldn't have done it back from where I came. 

I look forward to the day when people just let others be. I don't ridicule others when they express their opinions about the goings on in another part of the world, so why can't everyone just return the favor? Why should we always express opinions and issue judgements on others' choices? If there's anything to be judged, look inward. Have you always been perfect? Made all the right choices? If you think you have, good for you, bravo! Continue to make those choices in future. Maybe not judging others should be added to those good choices. 

Just my opinion on your choice. 

Monday, April 08, 2013

25 funny things about me - Blast from the past!

I came across this old "note" that I had written on Facebook (about 4 years ago now) - it was one of those tagging games where you had to write 25 things about yourself and tag 25 friends... Amazingly, after 4 years, the list is SO very relevant :)

Here is the post - verbatim

Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.

(To do this, go to "notes" under tabs on your profile page, paste these instructions in the body of the note, type your 25 random things, tag 25 people (in the right hand corner of the app) then click publish.)

1. I have asked all my friends at least once if I am overweight
2. I laugh at almost everything - so even the most boring person feels like a comic with me!
3. I am very confused about whether I believe in God or not
4. My house is always spanking clean when I have visitors :D
5. I blank out when someone asks me to tell them "an interesting fact" about myself
6. I can be very dumb and very bright, all in the span of an hour.
7. I am a shopaholic :)
8. I love anything to do with Batman and Egypt (mutually exclusive)
9. I CANNOT keep secrets - so don't tell me anything that needs to be kept to myself
10. I am very clumsy and hurt myself at least twice a day and don't realize it until the next week....
11. I read all 7 Harry Potter books within a week
12. I love giving gifts for absolutely no reason!!
13. I squeal when I am frightened or surprised
14. In 2008, I learned to play tennis, make beaded jewelry and speak Spanish.
15. I love to dance
16. This task is turning out to be more tedious than I had ever imagined
17. I love British sitcoms!
18. I have spent entire days doing nothing but play online games
19. I want to visit all the continents, except Antarctica before I turn 40
20. I do not want to turn 30
21. I threw my master's thesis out after 1.5 years of hard work
22. I love Excel spreadsheets- I have one for everything
23. I love to plan ahead, but things never get done until the last minute
24. I am very thankful that my best friend in the world is my husband
25. I have run out of things to say and I am sure you don't want to read anymore...